1 billion websites online and growing, the demand for such malicious services is huge as well as earnings it generates. Facing such dynamic and diverse online threats landscape, the information security industry is struggling to filling up the gaps and provide up to date and effective malware detection and removal technology to the webmasters. Traditional Anti-Virus programs, intrusion detections systems, behavioral-based detections and others are great inventions. However, they only cannot provide 100% hacking proof to website owners. In-depth analysis of
weekly and
monthly statistics un-cover infected websites with small percent of which is actually blacklisted by authorities. Obviously, such websites posing almost certain threat to unsuspecting loyal customer or just a casual visitor.
Here is where Quttera comes with its patented technology and offers proprietary web malware scanning and detection concept. Built upon layered-based smart machine it includes, among the others, such innovative components like: self-learning malware identification mechanism, artificial intelligence layer and statistical approach. Combined together it provides highest detection rate and effectiveness when dealing with both existing and zero-day threats.
Such constant effort to make internet a safer place, requires developing free tools available to everyone. Our
Website Malware Scanner - simple web based interface that allows users to enter website address and scan it online to get precise malware report. Whether you need to check your own website or other websites that you're about to visit, this scanner is for you.
Acknowledging new ways in how websites are built and all surrounding industry, we created the plugin for one of the most popular Content Management Systems (CMS) out there - WordPress. Plugins for Joomla and other CMS are planned in future. Installing our
Web Malware Scanner Plugin for WordPress provides you with powerful Internal and External scanning features, detailed scan reports, threat dump and others. Absolutely free for WordPress community with regular updates and enhanced functionality.